
Monday, 19 November 2012

A fabulous feeling

It is great when you get a job that you have hated doing, but know you'll benefit from, finished. I have just finished insulating under the floor. I had to crawl on my back in places and was only able to spend an hour at a time doing this job. Now it is finished no more sore eyes, and getting bits in my throat and hair. We will save a lot on heating as when hot air rises it has been replaced by cold air from under the floor; no more. I am giving myself a pat on the back and I think more people should celebrate their small achievements like this. When you hear on the radio that some kids are deliberately under achieving at school to avoid being bullied; it is a sad state of affairs. If you, or someone you know might be under achieving to avoid being picked on whether at work or school; then stop. Those that do the bullying for this reason are the ones with the problem. They are jealous and annoyed with themselves for not having the motivation to succeed properly. So enjoy the feeling of proper success, and use it to increase your confidence and show the bullies what hard work and achievement can do.

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