
Monday, 24 March 2014

Determination is not a fad, it is like a good recipe.

It is funny how in life we do things in spells sometimes. We pick up a new hobby and go at it hell for leather. Then something else comes a long and we still do our hobby only just not with as much gusto as before. That something can be large or small, like starting a new job or the birth of a child. Determination however is not something that can be dropped like a play thing. It is as important as the blood that runs through your veins. It is instinctive, and natural, but when bashed by circumstance can absorb the good points to make it better. A good Christmas cake absorbs the alcohol, and or juices you put in on Stir-Up Sunday, over time which makes it better and richer. The same can be said of the way that determination absorbs what life throws at it. As the saying goes what goes against, you makes you stronger. The more you can influence circumstance, will make your determination bear better fruit, or to use another analogy make a better cake. Like cooking you need to know what the end product looks like, you need a vision. I love great recipes but they don't need to be complicated as Mary Berry shows you can produce great results with simple recipes. By having a vision and remaining true to it, the recipe will mean your determination gets you there.

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