
Tuesday, 6 November 2012

Be grateful for holidaying at home

In Glasgow we have a good saying Hame'll dae me. When people ask you where you are going this weekend, or for holidays; it is a great reply to explain whay you are having a staycation. A staycation doesn't mean that you have to literally stay at home, because there are parts of your country that probably you haven't seen, or would like to visit again. With the economic climate the world is in, your country could probably really benefit from you travelling less. You are also doing your bit for the planet by not flying, which can be a stressful experience. Travel broadens the mind but sometimes it costs in more ways than one. A holiday in your own country can be truly relaxing without the worries of baggage allowance, luggage getting lost, and all the other worries that go with travelling abroad. Of course in Scotland we have the dreaded midge to contend with, but other places have their versions too. The weather here has been somewhat of a wash out this year, but if you waited for the rain to stop you'd get nothing done. That is true of life in general no matter where you are; if you wait for this or that you'll waste your life away. People who get things done do so by grabbing life and make the most of what they have. So whether you are staying at home or travelling abroad for that much needed break; make the most of it and do what you can in spite of the weather.

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